Working with Object Relationships

What is a relationship?

A relationship is an association between two objects. The Object module > Relations tab shows all the objects with which the selected object is directly related.

Relations and groups

Direct relationships with group objects are shown on the Relations tab, but objects can be group members indirectly, by being included in sub-groups or in areas. Direct and indirect group memberships are shown on the Groups tab.

See About Groups for more information about groups.

See About Areas for more information about objects and areas.

About relation types

Each relationship has a relation type. Before you can create relationships the relation type must be associated with each object type.

See Also: Relation Types

Super-objects and sub-objects

In any relationship, one object is designated as the super-object, and the other object as the sub-object. The super-object is said to be the parent of the sub-object. A parent object has "(PARENT)" beside its name on the Relations tab.

Creating a relationship

To create a relationship between objects:

  1. In the Objects module, select the object to which you want to add a relationship.
  2. In the Relations tab, click Insert to open the Inserting Relations screen.
  3. Fill in the following details:

    Super/Sub Object

    Specify whether the selected object will be the super-object or the sub-object in this relationship.

    Relation Type

    Pick the relation type from the drop-down field. The options available depend on what relation types have been associated with the object type.

    Super/Sub Object

    Select the other object in the relationship. This will be either the super-object or the sub-object, depending what you specified for the selected object.

    Sequence No

    (Optional) Enter a sequence number that will control where the relationship is displayed in lists.
  4. Click Save to save your changes.