Creating a Trend Group

Create a new Trend Group to display trended data for a single tag or a group of tags. All members of a trend group are plotted together on the same chart.


You can also open an existing trend group and modify the settings. The Trend Group manager displays a list of any trend groups that are open in the Trending module. The current Trend Group is listed in red text.

After you create a trend group, add tags to the group. See Adding a Tag to a Chart for more details.

To create a trend group:

  1. Click Trending to open the Trending tool.
  2. Click Trend Groups to open the Trend Group Manager.
  3. In the Trend Group Manager, click Add to create a new Trend Group. The Trend Group Properties screen opens.

    Enter the following properties for the trend group:


    Group Name

    Enter a name for the trend group. This will be used to identify the trend tab.

    Time Domain

    Choose the type of time domain for the trend group:

    • Choose Historic Trend Group to trend data for a specific period. Define the period using the Begin Time and End Time fields.
    • Choose Real Time Trend Group to trend the data as it is collected. Choose how much data to show in the Duration field, and how often to refresh the data in the Update Interval field.

    You can also configure the time settings directly on the chart by using the Time Domain control in the Trending module tool bar.

    Time Scale

    Use the Top and Bottom fields to specify what time units to show on the top and bottom x-axes. Typically you will choose to show a time unit on one axis and none on the other.

    Vertical Domain

    Choose what data range to show on the Y-axis. The trending tool will automatically choose a range, but you can change the range to show more or less detail.

    Color Scheme

    Choose the Background color, Font color and grid Line color for the chart. You can also set these choices to be the default for new charts by clicking Set As Default.

    Marker Style

    Use these options to determine what details are displayed when you click on the graph to view trend data. See Viewing Data on a Trend Line for more details of this feature.

    • Choose Fixed or Floating to specify whether the legend for each data point always appears at the same place, or floats to the location of the data value at the selected point.
    • Click Field Display to choose what information is displayed for each data point. You can choose to display the tag value, tag units, data timestamp, site name, tag name and tag description.

    Trend Legend

    Select this checkbox to display a legend for the tags in this trend group.


    These settings are defaults that apply to the whole trend group. You can configure the properties of individual trend lines in the Trend Parts Manager. See Configuring the Display Settings for a Tag for more details.

  4. Click Save to save your changes.