Water Usage Report

Also known as:

Water Statement

Report Description

The Water Usage report provides a breakdown of water entitlements, usages, and orders for each customer.

Note: You can run this report directly from the Properties or the Parties module. See Run a Water Usage Report for a Property or Run a Water Usage Report for a Party for details.

Report Parameters and Options

These options may be customised to suit your environment. For example, if you are using crops, it will include the option to report on a per-crop basis.

Parameter Description

Report On

Specify which parties or properties to run the report for. The options are:

  • All parties - run the report for all parties.
  • One party - run the report for a single specified party. If you choose this option you can specify whether the party is an owner or an operator and search from a list of parties with that role.
  • Parties in Area - run the report for parties in a specified area.
  • One property - run the report for a specified property


Specify the report area if you are reporting on parties within an area

Property Type

Specify the property type, or report on all types. This option is available if you are reporting on all parties, or on all parties in an area.

Include Orders

Include details of orders.

Include Readings

Include details of meter readings

Report Output

The report output is typically divided into several sections. The sections included depend on the options you choose in the report parameters.


The output is always customised to suit your allocation and other configuration details. .

The following are sections that may appear in the report for a period. See also the "Related Reports" section below for examples of the kind of details that can be included in these sections.

  • Owner and property details
  • Allocation and water share details (including water trades)
  • Usage details (including per crop details)
  • Allocations remaining
  • Meter readings
  • Order details

Related Reports

Property Details Report

The Property Details report generates a list of all properties filterable by area. It shows the owner's name and contact number, the current allocation, and whether orders are stopped for the property.

Customer Entitlement Report

The Customer Entitlement report lists the orders supplied to a specific property during the current season, and the types of water usage associated with those orders. This report can be run from DMS or from the Irrigator portal by the property owner.

Meter Usage Report

The Meter Usage report records the reading and usage for meters in the selected area as at the beginning and the end of the report period.

Crop Usage Report

The crop usage report summarises the volume of water ordered, and the area irrigated for each crop type on a given day.

Order Details Report

The Order Details report lists information about the orders within the selected area or group.