Meter Reading Status Report

Report Description

The Meter Reading Status report provides the number of:

  • Outlets in the report area
  • Outlets with good meter readings (that is, readings that match the estimated usage)
  • Outlets without meter readings
  • Outlets with a reason provided for the reading. These are readings where a variation was accepted, or an adjustment was made for which a reason was entered.

The report also lists the details of all missing readings, or those with variations or adjustments.

Report Parameters and Options

Parameter Description


Area or group on which to report

Start/End Date

Date range for the report

Report Output

Property Description


Outlet name

Meter No.

Meter number


(For adjustments) Reason provided for the reading.


(For adjustments) Date of the reading.

Meter Reading

(For adjustments) Value of the reading.


Property to which the usage is applied

Surname/First Name

Name of the property owner

Related Reports

Meter Reading Report

The Meter Reading report generates a list of outlets for the use of field officers who can take a copy of the output into the field, complete the meter readings and return the report for manual or automatic input.

Meter Reading Variations Report

The Meter Reading Variations report generates a list of meter readings for an outlet and property where the actual reading differed from the estimated reading.

Meter Usage Report

The Meter Usage report records the reading and usage for meters in the selected area as at the beginning and the end of the report period.

Outlet Location Report

The Outlet Location report lists the location of all outlets in the report area using the Australian Map Grid (AMG) coordinate system.

Suspect Database Report

The Suspect Database report allows you to find properties, orders, or meter readings with anomalous values that might require follow-up. You can choose what to include in the report and set thresholds for identifying discrepancies.