Available Report Components

These are the components you can use in an editable report:

Report Component Description
Header Specify, format and layout header text and logo.

See Creating a Report Header

Break Add a page break, a horizontal line, or a blank line.

See Insert a Break in a Report

Body sections
Network Table Create a table for an object type in the network and display related tags, attributes and other object properties. Use a sub-table to display more details of the parent object.

See Creating a Network Table Paragraph

Parameter Paragraph Add a text field showing the report parameters and their values.

See Creating a Parameter Paragraph

SQL Table Create a table based on a SQL query. Use report parameters as query parameters.

See Creating a SQL Table Paragraph

Text Paragraph Add a text field and specify the text. Use the report parameter value in the text.

See Creating a Text Paragraph

Object Attribute Table Create a table for an object type and display selected attributes.

See Creating an Object Attribute Table Paragraph

Object Attribute Party Table Create a table for an object type and display selected attributes. Specify a role and display details for parties who have an authority over each object using that role.

See Creating an Object Attribute Party Table Paragraph

Footer Specify, format and layout footer text, and control pagination.

See Creating a Report Footer