Site Summary

The Site Summary tab displays a list of the tags and attributes at a site. Tags and attributes are arranged in related groups.

Tap on a group header to expand or collapse the group.


The tags displayed (and whether or not the tags are editable) depends on the site control mode. For example, if the site is in POSITION mode the tag for the Flow Setpoint will not be displayed.

If you are a system administrator, you can select the tags and attributes displayed for a site type and change the way that they are organised. See Site Templates.

  1. A collapsed tag group. Tap to expand the group

  2. An expanded tag group. Tap to close the group

Grouped tags on the Site Summary tab

Viewing attributes in the Site Summary tab

Important attributes are included (by default) in the Site Details group. Other attributes are displayed in the Other group. You can distinguish attributes from tag by the fact that they do not have the tag menu option and don't display a last-polled date and time.

  1. Tag entries

  2. Attribute entry

Tags and attributes in the Site Details group

Working with tags on the Site Summary tab

  1. View the trend lines for this group of tags

    Poll this tag to get the latest value

  2. Set the value of the tag (for setpoint tags)

  3. View the tag history

Tag and group menu on the Site Summary tab


There is also a Settings option on the tag menu but this is only visible to Scada Administrators. See Tag Settings for details.