SCADAConnect Forms Modules

Accumulators Module

The Accumulators module is where you can view and manage the details of all tags for which an accumulator has been configured.

Alarm Actions Module

The Alarm Actions module is where you can manage the application's response to alarms. Use the Alarm Actions module to define alarm groups, to create alarm actions, and to set the sequence of actions for an alarm.

Alarm Periods Module

The Alarm Periods module is where you create and configure time periods for use with alarm actions. Use this module to specify business-hours and after-hours periods including public holidays.

Areas Module

The Areas module is where you can create and manage the areas defined for your network. Use the Areas module to define the boundaries of the area, then use the Generate Areas and Groups tool to calculate which network objects are included in the area and store the information in the database.

Attribute Editor Module

The Attribute Editor module is where you can view and modify the values of attributes set on objects. Use this module to view and modify attribute values, to view the history of attribute values, to locate the source of inherited values, and to import attribute values from a file.

Attribute Types Module

The Attribute Types module is where you can work with the properties of attributes. Use the Attribute Type module to create and modify attribute types, to specify the range of values that an attribute can take, and to view a list of object types that use the attribute.

Captions Module

The Captions module is where you can manage the texts that are used to replace some numerical tag values in application screens.

Collection Services Module

The Collection Services module is where you can view details of communication services used by the application.

Comms Monitor Module

The Comms Monitor module is where you can view and analyse the status of polled and burst network communications in real time.

Data Sources Module

The Data Sources module is where you can create and manage data collection systems and sources.

Groups Module

The Groups module is where you can view and manage the details of any objects whose object type is Group, or a sub-type of Group. Use the Groups module to create new groups, add objects to groups, and grant authorities to groups.

Icon Builder Module

The Icon Builder module is where you can create and modify the icons that are used to represent objects in the Network Schematic

Messages Module

The Messages module is where you can send and receive messages within the Rubicon application. Messages can be sent to either parties or objects and can be read in the Messages module or in the Parties and Objects modules.

Network Editor Module

The Network Schematic is where you can view your water distribution network. Use the Network Editor functions to create a network of linked objects in schematic form to represent your network.

Objects Module

The Objects Module is where you can view and manage the properties of objects.

Object Types Module

The Object Types module is where you can create and manage object types and sub-types.

Parameter Editor Module

The Parameter Editor Module is where you can view and modify parameters.

Parties Module

The Parties module is where you can create and configure Parties. Use the Parties module to create, modify and delete parties, enter names and contact details, and configure party security.

Printers Module

The Printers Module is where you manage printers and fax machines for printing from Rubicon applications.

Rating Tables Module

The Rating Tables module is where you can create and manage rating tables that are used for calculating the value of tags.

Reason Types Module

The Reason Type module is where you can manage the set of reasons that can be used when the system prompts for an explanation of an action. Use the Reason Type module to control what reasons are available for a reason type.

Relation Types Module

The Relation Types module contains a list of the types of association that can be set up between objects and objects, and between parties and parties.

Report Editor Module

The Report Editor Module is where you can create your own editable reports. Use the Report Editor to create and publish reports for yourself and other users.

Roles Module

The Roles module is where you can create and configure roles.

SCADA Groups Module

The SCADA Groups module is where you can view and manage SCADA groups to organise network components.

SCADA Runtimes Module

The Application Runtimes module is where you can view the application runtime parameters, particularly SCADA Runtime parameters. These are usually set up once and not changed.

Security Manager Module

The Security Manager module is where you can view and manage authorities for parts of the application that logged-in users can see or use, including functions, modules and reports.

Scheduled Reports and Tasks Module

The Scheduled Reports and Tasks Module is where you can view and manage any reports and tasks that are currently running or that are scheduled to be run. Use this module to reset failed reports and tasks, and to change parameters, publication settings and schedules for reports and tasks.

Site Tags Module

The Site Tags module is where you can view and manage tags, and view tag history and alarm history. You can search for tags by collection system, site, tag details or attribute type.

Systems Module

The Systems Module is where you can view some details of network collection systems.

System Services Module

The System Services module is where you can view details of installed system services and configure communication parameters.

Tag Groups Module

The Tag Groups module is where you can create and manage tag groups.

UnitTypes Module

The Unit Types module is where you specify the units of measurement for labelling data.